The new #goals and improvement paths of the TEKNE staff continue, with the aim of increasing their knowledge and their #expertise in satisfying all design needs with an ever-increasing attention to the objectives of #sustainability and #efficiency.
Congratulations to Paola Corrà, Andrea Martellosio, Cansu İşcen and Edoardo Cazzaniga for their WiredScore AP Office Occupied and Smartscore AP certifications.
#WideScoreAP #LavoraInTEKNE #IngegneriaIT #ITtecnologies #InformationTecnology #EdificiTecnologici #Innovazione #InfrastrutturaIT #Efficienza #TecnologieDigitali #Digital #ConsulenzaIntegrata #IngegneriaIntegrata #Architettura #GruppoTEKNE #CertificazioneWideScore #Engineering #Progettazione #Architecture #SmartscoreAP #Wiredscore #WiredscoreAP #sustainablearchitecture #engineering #GruppoTEKNE #efficienzaenergetica