A new certification within TEKNE!
Congratulations to Luisa Doniacovo and Luca Ciochetta, certified consultants #WiredScore AP: Office Occupied.
Thanks to this achievement, together with them, we guarantee the highest and most professional #consultancy for companies and buildings in use that want to achieve WiredScore certification, improving and enhancing their IT #infrastructure for the benefit of greater efficiency and integration of building towards new and current digital #technologies.
#WideScoreAP #LavoraInTEKNE #IngegneriaIT #ITtecnologies #InformationTecnology #EdificiTecnologici #Innovazione #InfrastrutturaIT #Efficienza #TecnologieDigitali #Digital #ConsulenzaIntegrata #IngegneriaIntegrata #Architettura #GruppoTEKNE #CertificazioneWideScore #Engineering #Progettazione #Architecture